Oracle HCM Update 24C: Talent Management

Medium Impact
Low impact analysis

Feature Enablement

Redwood Features

24C Update Features Covered:

  1. Redwood Experience
  2. Generative AI
  3. Redwood: Secure Goal Actions Using Privileges
  4. Redwood: Copy and View Previous Goals
  5. Check-ins Between Managers And Indirect Reports
  6. Redwood: Field Labels for Skills and Qualifications Can Be Changed on the Profile Types Page
  7. Automated Synchronization of Linked Job and Position Profiles

1. Redwood Experience

Oracle continues to transition additional pages to redwood, with this release including some performance pages, such as Performance Documents and Talent Review. Multiple enhancements were also made to Redwood transitioned pages to make the Redwood experience smoother while enhancing the user experience.

2. Generative AI

Oracle furthers their use and integration of AI in Talent Management by allowing users to gain helpful suggestions from AI for workers and managers when creating goals and for managers’ comments when completing employee evaluations.

3. Redwood: Secure Goal Actions Using Privileges

Quick Notes:

Configuration Required

Performance and development goal actions are now able to be controlled using privileges. Only roles who are assigned these privileges will have the ability to take specific actions on these goals. This will allow for more configuration possibilities with custom roles around who and what actions can be taken on goals. The actions available include Copy, Share, Align, Extend, Move, etc.

4. Redwood: Copy and View Previous Goals

Quick Notes:

Configuration Required

Oracle has enhanced the ability to copy goals by adding in the ability to copy goals from previous review periods. If employees have a similar goal from a previous review period, they now have the ability to copy the previous performance goal information. This is limited to performance goals within the last 1.5 years but nevertheless will save employees the time of having to recreate similar performance goals from one performance period to another.

5. Check-ins Between Managers and Indirect Reports

Quick Notes:

Configuration Required

Managers are now able to create performance check-ins for indirect reports. Managers won’t be able to change the check-in manager for an indirect reports performance check-in they create, as their name will default and be locked. Employees will also be able to select indirect managers in the performance and touchpoints section. The managers an employee can select from are determined based on the profile option value for the new profile option introduced with this feature.

6. Redwood: Field Labels for Skills and Qualifications Can Be Changed on the Profile Types Page

Quick Notes:

Skills and Qualifications field labels now have the ability to be changed in Redwood without the use of customizations. In Redwood, field labels can be given ‘Custom Labels’, which allows users to change the name of a label within a Profile Content section.

7. Automated Synchronization of Linked Job and Position Profiles

This auto enabled feature allows for the automated sync process for linked Job + Position profiles to consider descriptive flex fields (DFFs). This feature will make it easier for profile administrators to keep job and position profiles maintained as these profiles continue to grow. Specific conditions need to be met for DFFs to be part of this auto sync process and can be found under ‘Tips and Considerations’.